Art Appreciation ( Chapter 6 )

27 August 2022
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In what way can a large-scale work be considered a "temporal" art form?
The spectator moves through time and space to view it.

Explanation: A large-scale work can be considered a "temporal" art form in that it can be experienced over a period of time. The work may be experienced in a single sitting, or it may be experienced over multiple viewings. The work may also be experienced in different ways at different times.
Alexander Calder's "mobiles", like Untitled, move when air currents move through them, making them?

Explanation: Alexander Calder's "mobiles", like Untitled, move when air currents move through them, making them kinetic sculptures. Calder was inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian and by the Dadaists, who were interested in chance and the random movement of objects. His mobiles are composed of simple geometric shapes that are balanced so that they move in response to the slightest breeze.
Because Gianloenzo Bernini's David tells a story-of David slaying Goliath- it is said to have a _______ sequence.

Explanation: The sequence of David slaying Goliath is said to be a naturalistic sequence because it tells a story that is easy to follow and understand. The story is also said to be a classic example of the triumph of good over evil.
Claude Monet's Water Lilies, Morning; Willows and Bridget Riley's Drift No.are similar in that both,
Allude to the movements of water.

Explanation: Both Claude Monet's Water Lilies, Morning and Bridget Riley's Drift No. 1 are similar in that they both feature a series of concentric circles that create a sense of movement and depth. Additionally, both paintings use a limited color palette, which helps to create a sense of harmony and unity.
Some woks of art are created precisely to give us the illusion or sensation of movement. This style of art is called?
Op art.

Explanation: Some works of art are created precisely to give us the illusion or sensation of movement. This style of art is called kinetic art.
Which is the most obvious difference between Bernini and Michelangelo's David?
Bernini's David is caught in the midst of the action.

Explanation: The most obvious difference between Bernini and Michelangelo's David is that Bernini's David is a sculpture while Michelangelo's David is a painting.
What is the subject matter of Isidro Escamilla's Virgin of Guadalupe?
It depicts the Virgin Mary at Tepayac.

Explanation: The subject matter of Isidro Escamilla's Virgin of Guadalupe is the apparition of the Virgin Mary to a peasant farmer named Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531. The Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego and asked him to build a church in her honor at the site where she appeared. Juan Diego did as he was asked, and the church was built. The Virgin of Guadalupe is now a popular Catholic icon and is venerated by millions of Catholics around the world.
Unlike a Renaissance paining, time-based media like, Teresa Hubbard's and Alexander Birchler's Detached Building can utilize the element of?

Explanation: Time-based media like Teresa Hubbard's and Alexander Birchler's Detached Building can utilize the element of time to create a sense of movement and change. In a Renaissance painting, the viewer is able to see all of the elements in the painting at once, and the artist often used symmetry and balance to create a sense of stability. In a time-based work of art, the artist can create a sense of change and movement by adding or removing elements over time. This can create a sense of tension or release, depending on how the artist chooses to use time.
What was the inspiration for Grace Ndirutu's Still Life: White Textiles?
An exhibition of work by Henri Matisse in 2005 in London.

Explanation: There is no one answer to this question, as art is often highly personal and open to interpretation. However, it is possible that Ndirutu was inspired by the traditional Kenyan textile art of kanga, which often features bold patterns and colors. It is also possible that she was inspired by the work of other still life painters, such as Vincent van Gogh or Pablo Picasso. Whatever the case, it is clear that Ndirutu's Still Life: White Textiles is a beautiful and evocative work of art.
William A. Garnett took photographs of American landscapes
From the window of an airplane he was piloting.

Explanation: for over 50 years.William A. Garnett was a photographer who took pictures of American landscapes for over 50 years. He started taking pictures in the early 1900s and continued until the late 1950s. His pictures show the changing landscape of the United States during that time period.