Art Appreciation 2.8 0 - Art and Photography

21 August 2022
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What does the word "photograph" mean?
Writing with light
Explanation: A photograph is a picture that has been taken using a camera.
The name of the opening that lets light into any camera is called ________.
the aperture
Explanation: The name of the opening that lets light into any camera is called a lens.""
Daguerreotypes are made on ________.
Polished metal plates
Explanation: Daguerreotypes are made on a metal plate that has been coated with a light-sensitive material. The plate is placed in a camera, and an image is projected onto it. The plate is then exposed to light, which darkens the light-sensitive material and creates an image.
A major benefit of the daguerreotype process is that ________.
It creates very detailed images
Explanation: A major benefit of the daguerreotype process is that it creates a very sharp and detailed image. This is because the daguerreotype process involves using a very fine-grained plate to capture the image, which results in a high level of detail.
A major benefit of the calotype process is that ________.
Calotypes are negatives that can be easily reproduced
Explanation: A major benefit of the calotype process is that it allows for a longer exposure time than the daguerreotype process. This means that more light can be captured on the negative, resulting in a clearer and more detailed image.
When were the first successful photographs made using a camera?
Early 1800s
Explanation: The first successful photographs were taken in 1826 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce. The process he used was called heliography, and it involved using a camera to expose a piece of paper coated in bitumen to sunlight.
Which of the following statements is true of the Caffenol process?
all of the above
Landscape photographs, such as those taken by Ansel Adams, help raise awareness about:
nature's grandeur and the wilderness of the American West
Explanation: Landscape photographs can help raise awareness about the beauty of nature, the importance of conservation, and the need to protect natural habitats.
When did it become common for photographs to be collected in major fine arts museums?
Explanation: It became common for photographs to be collected in major fine arts museums in the late 1800s.
What is it called when a photographer chooses to make a photograph look candid and spontaneous?
Snapshot aesthetic
Explanation: A photographer who chooses to make a photograph look candid and spontaneous is said to be using a candid camera technique. This involves taking photographs of people without their knowledge or permission, and often results in natural-looking images. This type of photography can be used to capture everyday moments, or to document events or situations.
Contemporary photographer Edward Burtynsky intends his Manufacturing series to make viewers think about human actions leading to ________.
an impact on the environment
Explanation:A photographer who chooses to make a photograph look candid and spontaneous is said to be using a candid camera technique. This involves taking photographs of people without their knowledge or permission, and often results in natural-looking images. This type of photography can be used to capture everyday moments, or to document events or situations.