Art And Culture In Medieval Europe

23 August 2022
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The Canterbury Tales is important because it explains how various pilgrims acted. reveals common attitudes of the time. provides information about cultural ideals. details the differences between social classes.
Correct Answer - details the differences between social classes.
The Canterbury Tales is helpful to historians because the author describes several people on a pilgrimage. explains the characteristics of a noble knight. indicates the strict class structure of the period. details what clothing was made of at the time.
Correct Answer - indicates the strict class structure of the period.
The Canterbury Tales was a popular book of the period because it contained many different stories. had characters from all walks of life. was written in easy-to-understand language. described middle- and upper-class fashions.
Correct Answer - was written in easy-to-understand language.
Which development most influenced the expansion of trade? creation of guilds growth of urban centers increased food production efficient farming techniques
Correct Answer - growth of urban centers
What was the impact of increased crop yields? The general population rose dramatically. New farming methods developed at a rapid rate. Farmers were able to grow many different grains. Large areas of land were converted into growing fields.
Correct Answer - The general population rose dramatically.
What was a major effect of the new economic prosperity in medieval Europe? More food was available for townspeople. Fewer people were required to farm the land. The population moved from rural to urban settings. Towns were seldom chartered by a king or lord.
Correct Answer - The population moved from rural to urban settings.
How did merchants most likely influence medieval culture? by sharing ideas and information at trade fairs by forming trade organizations like the Hanseatic League by increasing trade between France and the British Isles by selling and trading quality goods in many different countries
Correct Answer - by sharing ideas and information at trade fairs
Beowulf is considered an epic poem because it tells about an evil monster. focuses on a noble and brave king. is based on an heroic legend. describes the actions of a great warrior.
Correct Answer - describes the actions of a great warrior.
Why was the legend of King Arthur most likely written? to illustrate the importance of magic in the past to portray true love between a knight and a queen to tell about an ancient and powerful king and his knights to show that betrayal of knightly duties could be disastrous
Correct Answer - to show that betrayal of knightly duties could be disastrous
What is the most likely reason economic prosperity created an interest in literature and the arts during the medieval period? More people wanted to invest money in the arts. The increased population resulted in more craftspeople. People were able to focus on ideas rather than simple survival. The growing middle class wanted to impress others with their wealth.
Correct Answer - People were able to focus on ideas rather than simple survival.