APUSH Terms And Significance Chapter 20

2 September 2022
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Fort Sumter
Definition: South Carolina location where Confederate forces fired the first shots of the Civil War in April of 1861, after Union forces attempted to provision the fort Significance: South ignited the fighting of the Civil War, provoked North to assemble army
Border States
Definition: The slave states including Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware that did not secede from the Union Significance: Determined which side had upper hand in war, prevented Lincoln from outright eliminating slavery and the North from firing the first shots in order not to deter these states
Butternut Region
Definition: region of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois that had been settled primarily by Southern settlers who had carried racial prejudices across the Ohio River Significance: hotbed for pro-southern sentiment during the war
West Virginia
Definition: mountainous region that broke away from Virginia in 1861 to form its own state after Virginia seceded from the Union Significance: most of the inhabitants of the "mountain white" were independent farmers and miners who did not own slaves and thus opposed the Confederate cause
Trent affair
Definition: incident in which a Union ship north of Cuba stopped a British mail steamer, the Trent, and forcibly removed two Confederate diplomats bound for Europe Significance: first major Anglo-American crisis, outraged Britons who demanded release of prisoners and an apology, slow communication eased tensions but Lincoln reluctantly released prisoners
Definition: British built ship active from 1862-1864 that acted as a Confederate warship that raided Union shipping during the Civil War Significance: established Britain as the chief naval base of the Confederacy, angered Northern Yankees
Laird rams
Definition: two Confederate warships being constructed in the shipyard of John Laird in Great Britain that we designed to destroy Union wooden ships Significance: US minister Adams threaten full war with Britain if they dispatched ships, this caused London government to retract last minute and bought the two ships for the Royal Navy
Dominion of Canada
Definition: established by British parliament in 1867 to strengthen Canada Significance: British wanted to protect Canada from possible threats from a reunited America after the Civil War
Napoleon III
Definition: King of France who dispatched a French army to occupy Mexico City in 1863, and the following year he established archduke Maximilian of Austria as emperor of Mexico Significance: flagrant violation of the Monroe Doctrine, North aided Mexican resistance movement, after Civil War, Napoleon withdrew forces from Mexico after realizing there was too much risk attached
Writ of the habeas corpus
Definition: petition requiring law enforcement officers to present detained individuals before a court to determine the legality of the arrest Significance: Lincoln defied the Constitution and suspended this right during the Civil War, leaving people unprotected against arbitrary state action
New York Draft Riots
Definition: uprising, mostly of working-class Irish immigrants, in protest of the Union draft particularly due to the fact that the rich could purchase their way out of enlistment Significance: illustrated the draft was unfair and displayed New York as a hotbed of Democratic spirit
Morrill Tariff Act
Definition: act passed in 1861 that increased existing duties 5-10% and soon increased even more due to war necessities Significance: enacted both to raise federal revenue for war and to protect internal manufacturing in the North
Definition: paper currency issues by the Union treasury during the Civil war that fluctuated in value Significance: indirectly taxed greenback holders, who were victims of inflation
National Banking System
Definition: authorized by Congress in 1863 that launched partly to stimulate the sale of government bonds and to establish a standard currency Significance: first significant step taken towards s unified baking network since Andrew Jackson destroyed the Bank of the United States in 1836
Homestead Act
Definition: a federal law passed in 1862 that sold settlers 160 acres of land for $30 if they had lived on the land for five year and improved it in some way Significance: helped make land more accessible to many westward moving settlers, but many people also found disappointment when their land was infertile of they saw speculators getting the best land
U.S. Sanitary Commission
Definition: government agency established in 1861 that trained nurses, collected medical supplies, and equipped hospitals in an effort the help the union army Significance: helped to professionalize nursing and gave many women confidence in the women's movement in the postwar years