APUSH - Chapter 27

31 August 2022
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Battle of Birmingham (1963)
Reverand King launched a campaign, to end segregation, in all public facilities. King and his followers staged non-violent marches and demonstrations. Police chief Bull Connor, responded by ordering the police to attack, with fire hoses and police dogs. The Kennedy administration and Americans across the country were shocked by the images they a saw on TV and in national newspapers. Support for the civil rights movement grew.
Fair Employment Practices Commission
FDR issued this committee in 1941 to enforce the policy of prohibiting employment-related discrimination practices by federal agencies, unions, and companies involved in war-related work It guaranteed the employment of 2 million black workers in the war factories.
Freedom Riders
Organized mixed-race groups who rode interstate buses deep into the South to draw attention to and protest racial segregation, beginning in 1961. This effort by northern young people to challenge racism proved a political and public relations success for the Civil Rights Movement
Greensboro Sit-ins
Black students politely order food from restaurant, and were not served. They sat in place for days, gathering supporters. Successful.
Black Panthers
An African-American organization established to promote Black Power and self-defense through acts of social agitation. It was active in the United States from the mid-1960s into the 1970s.The Black Panther Party achieved national and international presence through their deep involvement in the local community. The Black Panther Party was an auxillary of the greater movement, often coined the Black Power Movement. The Black Power movement was one of the most significant movements (with regards to social, political, and cultural aspects). " The movement had provocative rhetoric, militant posture, and cultural and political flourishes permanently altered the contours of American Identity. started in Oakland, CA.
Black Power
Emphasized racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests, advance black values, and secure black autonomy. a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of separate social institutions and a self-sufficient economy (separatism help usher in black radical thought, and action against white supremacy. Black Power adherents believe in Black autonomy, with a variety of tendencies such as black nationalism, and black separatism. Often Black Power advocates are open to use violence as a means of achieving their aims, but this openness to violence was nearly always coupled with community organizing work. CONFLICTED with civil rights.
Bloody Sunday
After a march to Montgomery Alabama in March of 1965 Wallace authorized State Troops to stop the march, beating and killing strikers.
Brown v. Board of Education
Topeka board of education denied Linda Brown admittance to an all white school close to her house. Thurgood Marshall argued that a separate but equal violated equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. Warren decided separate educational facilities were inherently unequal. 1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessy v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.
Central High School, Little Rock, AR
1957 - Governor Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock Central High School. Eisenhower sent in U.S. paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class.
Cesar Chavez
Farm worker, labor leader, and civil-rights activist who helped form the National Farm Workers Association, later the United Farm Workers. He helped to improve conditions for migrant farm workers and unionize them
Civil Rights Act (1957)
Established a Civil Rights Commission, but had little real effect and was mostly symbolic
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Passed by LBJ, outlawed public segreg and discrim, forbade racial discrim in the workplace
Congress of Racial Equality, and organization founded in 1942 that worked for black civil rights
Declaration of Constitutional Principles
Location: deep South-->more than 100 senators and congressman pledged their unyielding resistance to desegregation
Double V Campaign
Campaign popularized by American Black Leaders during WW2 emphasizing the need for double victory: over Germany and Japan and also over racial prejudice in the US. Many blacks were fought in WW2 were disappointed that the America they returned to still hate racial tension
Edmund Pettus Bridge
Series of three marches to gain voting rights for African americans in March 1965, Edmund Pettus bridge- police attacked marchers: called bloody Sunday
Emmett Till
Murdered in 1955 for whistling at a white woman by her husband and his friends. They kidnapped him and brutally killed him. his death led to the American Civil Rights movement.
Malcolm X
Minister of the Nation of Islam, urged blacks to claim their rights by any means necessary, more radical than other civil rights leaders of the time.
March on Washington (1963)
In August 1963, King led one of the largest and most successful demonstrations in U.S. history. About 200,000 blacks and whites took part in the peaceful March on Washington in support of the civil rights bill. The highlight of the demonstration was Dr. King's impassioned "I Have a Dream" speech, which appealed for the end of racial prejudice and ended with everyone in the crowd singing "We Shall Overcome."
Montgomery Bus Boycott
After Rosa Parks is arrested, MLK rallies the black community to do this. This seriously hurt the bus companies. This lasted more than a year, and ended in '56 when the SC declared segregated buses unconstitutional.
Southern Manifesto
A southern document signed by more than a hundred southern politicians. Stated that the states could nullify fed laws that they didn't like and pressured southern states to ignore and reject the Brown decision.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
One of the principal organizations of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. It emerged from a series of student meetings led by Ella Baker held at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina in April 1960. SNCC grew into a large organization with many supporters in the North
Thurgood Marshall
The first African American to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. Prior to becoming a judge, he was a lawyer who was best remembered for his activity in the Little Rock 9 and his high success rate in arguing before the Supreme Court and for the victory in Brown v. Board of Education
Twenty-fourth Amendment
It outlawed taxing voters, i.e. poll taxes, at presidential or congressional elections, as an effort to remove barriers to Black voters.
Voting Rights Act (1965)
A law designed to help end formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage. Under the law, hundreds of thousands of African Americans were registered and the number of African American elected officials increased dramatically.