APUSH Chapter 26 Vocab

26 August 2022
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reservation system
The system that allotted land with designated boundaries to Native American tribes in the West, beginning in the 1850s and ending with the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. Within these reservations, most land was used communally, rather than owned individually. The U.S. government encouraged and sometimes violently coerced Native Americans to stay on the reservations at all times.
Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876)
A particularly violent example of the warfare between whites and Native Americans in the late nineteenth century, also known as "Custer's Last Stand." In two days, June 25 and 26, 1876, the combined forces of 2,500 Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho Indians defeated and killed more than 250 U.S. soldiers, including Colonel George Custer. The battle came as the U.S. government tried to compel Native Americans to remain on the reservations and Native Americans tried to defend territory from white gold-seekers. This Indian advantage did not last long, however, as the union of these Indian fighters proved tenuous and the U.S. Army soon exacted retribution.
Battle of Wounded Knee (1890)
A battle between the U.S. Army and the Dakota Sioux, in which two hundred Native Americans and twenty-nine U.S. soldiers died. Tensions erupted violently over two major issues: the Sioux practice of the "Ghost Dance," which the U.S. government had outlawed, and the dispute very whether the Sioux reservation land would be broken up because of the Dawes Act.
Dawes Severalty Act (1887)
An act that broke up Indian reservations and distributed land to individual households. Leftover land was sold for money to fund U.S. government efforts to "civilize" Native Americans.
mining industry
After gold and silver strikes in Colorado, Nevada, and other western territories in the second half of the nineteenth century, fortune-seekers by the thousands rushed to the West to dig. These metals were essential to U.S. Industrial growth and were also sold into world markets. After surface metals were removed, people sought ways to extract ore from under the ground, leading to the development of heavy mining machinery. This, in turn, led to the consolidation of this, becuase only big companies could afford to buy and build the necessary machines.
mechanization of agriculture
The development of engine-driven machines, like the combine, which helped to dramatically increase the productivity of land in the 1870s and 1880s. This process contributed to the consolidation of agricultural business that drove many family farms out of existence.
Officially known as the People's party, they represented Westerners and Southerners who believed that U.S. economic policy inappropriately favored Eastern businessmen instead of the nation's farmers. Their proposals included nationalization of the railroads, a graduated income tax, and, most significantly, the unlimited coinage of silver.
Pullman strike (1894)
A strike by railroad workers upset by drastic wage cuts. The strike was led by socialist Eugene Debs but not supported by the American federation of labor. Eventually President Grover Cleveland intervened, and federal troops forced an end to the strike. The strike highlighted both divisions within labor and the government's new willingness to use armed force to combat work stoppages.
fourth party system
A term scholars have used to describe national politics from 1896 to 1932, when Republicans had a tight grip on the White House and issues such as a industrial regulation and labor concerns became paramount, replacing older concerns such as civil-service reform and monetary policy.
Gold Standard Act (1900)
An act that guaranteed that paper currency would be redeemed freely in gold, putting an end to the already dying "free-silver" campaign.
Frederick Jackson Turner
1893: "Up to our own day American history has been in a large degree the history of the colonization of the Great West. The existence of an area of free land, it's continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development." Inspired by the "closing" of the frontier, he wrote "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (1893) which is one of the most influential essays in American history and dominated historical writing about the West The thesis hailed the gumption and moxie of the pioneers and commended them as the agents of civilization and democracy, argued that the frontier experience molded both region and nation insisting that the national character had been uniquely shaped by the westward movement Saw the frontier as the principal shaper of the region's character
Jacob S. Coxey
The most famous marcher of the ragged armies of the unemployed who was a wealthy Ohio quarry owner Set out for Washington in 1894 with a few score of supporters and a swarm of newspaper reporters His platform included a demand that the government relieve unemployment by an inflationary public works program, supported by some $500 million in legal tender notes to be issued by the Treasury Rode in a carriage with his wife and infant son, appropriately named Legal Tender Coxey, while his tiny "army" tramped along behind
William McKinley
Former congressmen from Ohio who was the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 1896 Sponsor of the ill-starred tariff bill of 1890 Established a creditable civil war record, having risen to the rank of major; he hailed from the electorally potent state of Ohio; and he could point to long hears of honorable service in Congress ,where he had many friends with his kindly and conciliatory manner Was largely the creature of a fellow Ohioan, Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Made his fortune in the iron business and at the time coveted the role of president maker (he loved McKinley) A wholehearted Hamiltonian, he believe that a prime function of government was to aid business Honest, earnest, tough, and direct, he became the personification of big industry in politics Often caricatured in cartoons, quite unfairly, as a bloated bully in a loud checkered suit with a dollar sign in each squared Believed that in some measure prosperity "trickled down" to the laborer, whose dinner pail was full when business flourished Very hardheaded, he organized his pre convention campaign for McKinley with consummate skill and with a liberal outpouring of his own money