Appeasement Before WW1 Worksheet

31 August 2022
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What made the League of Nations ineffective?
It didn't have its own army and it wasn't supported by stronger powers like the United States.
What was Neville Chamberlain's justification for his policy of appeasement?
He thought that since Germany had struggled throughout the war, Germany needed a break. Basically he felt that if they just did what Hitler asked, they wouldn't have to be in another war.
Do you think Churchill's quote accurately describes the relationship between Hitler and Chamberlain? Explain why or why not.
(Answer may vary, but here's mine) I think it does, because the meaning behind it was that Winston Churchill didn't like Chamberlain's idea of appeasement because it just gave Hitler another chance to start war. When it turned out he was right, a war began. So it shows that he thought that Chamberlain was being a suck-up to Hitler just to protect himself.
Think of a time you made a concession in order to avoid a conflict. Explain what the conflict was and why you gave in. How would the outcome be different if you had not given in?
Answer will vary. Just think of something you did by giving in that you regretted, list the consequences, and explain how the outcome could have been different had you not given in at all. Easy.
1) (Sourcing) When and where did this speech take place? What was Chamberlain's goal for the Munich Agreement?
It took place at the house of commons on October 5, 1938. The goal was to make peace and avoid war.
2) (Context) Why might people in England in 1938 have supported appeasement?
They wanted to avoid war, too because they weren't going to be able to fight Hitler because his army was too strong.
3) (Close reading) What did Chamberlain claim England should do while pursuing the policy of Appeasement?
He said they needed to start building themselves a strong army.
1) (Sourcing) When and where did this speech take place? What was Churchill's purpose?
It took place on October 5, 1938 in the house of commons. The purpose of the speech was the promotion of peace.
2) (Close reading) What did Churchill mean when he said that instead of being forced to "snatch" his "victuals from the table," Hitler had "them served to him course by course"?
The British people made it too easy for Hitler to snatch Czechoslovakia
3) (Context) In the second paragraph, what did Churchill claim could have prevented Germany from taking the Sudetenland? Did he offer any evidence for this claim?
He said they should have joined forces with France so they could be safer. He didn't offer any evidence for his claim.
4) (Context) What did Churchill predict will happen in Czechoslovakia?
They would lose their independence and the Nazis would take them over
1) (Sourcing) When was this document written? What was Bartlett's purpose in writing it?
It was written in 1960. Bartlett wrote it to show what Germany's reaction was to the whole thing between Hitler and Chamberlain.
2) (Close reading) What did Bartlett claim Hitler would have done if Chamberlain had "stood firm" and not pursued appeasement? What, if any, evidence did Bartlett offer to support this Claim?
He thought that Hitler would have just started a war, and he didn't have any support for this claim.
3) (Context) What point did Bartlett make about the British and Czechoslovakian armies?
He was saying that Britain came completely unprepared for the war, even though it was unexpected. But the Czechoslovakian army was already prepared.
1) (Sourcing/Context) When was this document written? What had just happened?
It was written on March 15, 1939 after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia.
2) (Context) Why did Channon claim appeasement was the right policy? What, if any, evidence did he use to back this claim?
He claimed it was to avoid war. It gave them peace for a little bit.
1) (Source) When was this document written? What was Halifax's purpose for writing it?
It was written in 1957. He wrote it as a defense for the appeasement policy.
2) (Context) Why did Halifax claim appeasement was the right policy? What, if any, evidence did he use to back this claim?
He said it was a good way to not go into war with Germany. His evidence was that Hitler didn't even want to go to war.
Central historical question- Was appeasement the right policy for England in 1938?
I don't think it was the right policy because it wasn't fair. It just gave Hitler his way and he got what he wanted.
The World in Spatial Terms- Which countries did Germany take land from during this time period?
Austria, Czechoslovakia
Human Systems- What was Germany's rationale for expansion?
It would level their industry and economy.
Regions -Compare the increase in size of Germany and Italy during the years shown on the map. Which country showed more dramatic expansion during this time? Why might this be the case?
Italy had more expansion than Germany. I think this was because it conquered other countries.
Movement In which direction did Germany expand in 1935? In which direction did it expand in the following years?
In 1935 it was in itself and northeast of Germany. Then it went east and west.
Historical Comprehension- Why was the Rhineland separate from Germany and who controlled it?
It was occupied by France. Hitler said the treaty was useless.
Historical Analysis and Interpretation Why did Britain and France choose to appease Hitler rather than stand up to him?
They were trying to avoid war.
Drawing Conclusions- Though the Munich Conference included leaders from several nations, it did not include representatives from Czechoslovakia—the country that stood to lose land if the Munich Pact was approved. Why do you think no one from Czechoslovakia was there?
They weren't invited.
Determining Importance- Why is the Munich Conference an oft-used example of the failure of appeasement?
Hitler thought that the democrats from the west weren't able to fight. He wasn't satisfied.
Contrasting- How did Churchill's willingness to fight with every resource Britain had differ from the foreign policy of his predecessor, Neville Chamberlain?
Chamberlain wanted peace, but Churchill wanted war. Their policies basically contradict one another.
Making Inferences- Why do you think Churchill failed to win reelection as prime minister in 1945, even after his leadership helped defeat the Nazis?
Britain wasn't really open to conservative policy. They were scared that if something happened to the country or government, they wouldn't be able to fix it. I think that the biggest reason had something to do with the Labour campaign.
Making Inferences- Why did Hitler sign an agreement with Stalin even though he would later invade the Soviet Union?
He wanted peace between the nations.
laces and Regions- What were some of the Pacific island groups taken by Japan between 1933 and the end of 1941? What do you think the value of these islands might have been for the Japanese government?
Mariana, Caroline, Wake, Gilbert. I think they needed them not only for the effectiveness of basic expansion but also because it had something to do with resources. Maybe business or just the need of the resources themselves.
Human Systems- What was the main reason for Japanese expansion during the period shown on the map? How does this reason compare with Germany's reason for expanding?
Japan wanted to expand for resources. Germany wanted expansion for the economy and industry. These are similar reasons.
Making Inferences- Who do you think the people are at the bottom of the photo? What are they doing? What do you make of the fact that there appear to be no women in the picture?
(not really sure) I think they are residents of Shanghai and they're watching everything go up in flames because of Japan. Since there aren't any women, my only guess would be that they are all inside hiding or something bad has happened to them.