AP Psych Exam Questions

6 September 2022
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People who habitually wash their hands numerous times before going to bed most likely have
Explanation: obsessive-compulsive disorder.There is no definitive answer to this question, as it could be argued that people who wash their hands numerous times before going to bed could have obsessive-compulsive disorder, or they could simply have a strong preference for cleanliness. However, it is worth noting that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder often perform repetitive behaviors, such as hand-washing, in an attempt to relieve anxiety or achieve a sense of control. Therefore, it is possible that people who habitually wash their hands numerous times before going to bed most likely have obsessive-compulsive disorder.
People who have difficulty remembering recently learned materials because of similar information learned earlier in life are demonstrating the phenomenon of
proactive interference
Explanation: The phenomenon is called interference. The similar information learned earlier in life interferes with the ability to remember recently learned materials.
Of the following, a behavioral psychologist is most likely to study the
effects of token economies on establishing social skills among children with emotional disturbances
Explanation: A behavioral psychologist is most likely to study the behavior of people. This includes studying how people behave in different situations, how they learn new behaviors, and how they change existing behaviors.
Receptors for olfaction are located
in the nasal cavity
Explanation: in the:Receptors for olfaction are located in the olfactory bulb, which is a region of the brain responsible for processing smells. The olfactory bulb contains millions of olfactory receptor cells, each of which has a specific receptor protein that binds to a particular odorant molecule. When an odorant molecule binds to its receptor protein, it triggers a chain of events that ultimately results in the perception of a smell.
A standardized test must have all of the following EXCEPT
multiple-choice questions
Explanation: A standardized test must have all of the following EXCEPT for a set time limit. Standardized tests are designed to assess a student's knowledge in a specific subject area, and as such, are typically given under timed conditions in order to ensure that all test-takers are given an equal opportunity to complete the assessment. However, there are some instances in which a time limit may not be feasible, such as when testing students with learning disabilities. In these cases, accommodations can be made in order to provide all students with a fair chance at demonstrating their knowledge.
In right-handed individuals, which of the following abilities is predominantly a function of the right hemisphere of the brain?
Spatial reasoning
Explanation: The ability to recognize faces is predominantly a function of the right hemisphere of the brain. The right hemisphere is better at perceiving and processing information from the left side of the body, which includes the left side of the face. Therefore, the right hemisphere is better at recognizing faces.
Which of the following terms is used to describe the process by which important group decisions may be distorted because different viewpoints are not encouraged?
In Elizabeth Loftus' study of memory reconstruction in which students viewed films of an automobile accident, the major influence on recall was the
wording of questions the students were asked about the accident
Explanation: :In Elizabeth Loftus' study of memory reconstruction, the major influence on recall was the questions that were asked after the students viewed the films. The questions that were asked led the students to believe that there was more damage to the cars than there actually was. This led the students to recall more damage to the cars than there actually was.
Introspection as practiced by early structuralists is best illustrated by which of the following behavior?
Describing one's immediate sensations while looking at a rose
Explanation: The best example of introspection as practiced by early structuralists is when an individual analyzes their own thoughts and feelings in order to better understand them. This can be done through journaling, self-reflection, or even talking to a therapist. By understanding their own thoughts and emotions, individuals can begin to see patterns and develop a greater understanding of themselves.
Following the failure of his business, Mr. Jones disappeared and was discovered two years later in another state practicing law without a license. When questioned, he responded that he had found himself in a strange city and could not remember any personal information. Mr. Jones most likely would be diagnosed with
Dissociative fugue
Explanation: :Mr. Jones most likely has dissociative amnesia, which is a condition where someone experiences a sudden loss of memory due to a traumatic event. This can be caused by psychological stress or a physical injury.
According to Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer's theory of emotion, which of the following is true?
The same physiological response can produce different emotions, depending on the context within which the response occurs and a person's interpretation of that context
Explanation::Mr. Jones most likely has dissociative amnesia, which is a condition where someone experiences a sudden loss of memory due to a traumatic event. This can be caused by psychological stress or a physical injury.
Which of the following is true about the blind spot in the eye?
It occurs where the optic nerve leaves the eye
Explanation: The blind spot is an area in the back of the eye where the optic nerve attaches to the retina. There are no photoreceptors in the blind spot, so it cannot process visual information.
Alan is sure something is wrong with him, even though his doctor has not found any physiological basis for his complaints.He returns to the doctor every few weeks to report symptoms of new illnesses based on information he reads. Alan is most likely to be diagnosed with which of the following types of disorders?
Explanation: Alan is most likely to be diagnosed with a somatoform disorder, which is a disorder characterized by physical symptoms that cannot be explained by a medical condition. People with somatoform disorders often have a history of seeking medical help for their symptoms, but doctors are unable to find a physical cause for the symptoms.