American Indian Issues

24 August 2022
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Chief Joseph's tone in "An Indian's View of Indian Affairs" can best be described as
heartfelt and sincere.
Explanation: In An Indian's View of Indian Affairs," Chief Joseph's tone can best be described as one of despair. He opens the letter by talking about how the white man has "robbed" the Indians of their land, and how the Indians have been "forced" to move to reservations. He talks about how the white man has broken every treaty with the Indians, and how the Indians have been lied to and cheated. He talks about how the Indians have been treated like animals, and how they have been killed by the hundreds. He talks about how the Indians have been forced to give up their culture and their way of life, and how they have been treated like children. In the end, he talks about how the Indians have been driven from their homes, and how they have been forced to live in poverty and misery."
Which quote from "My Heart Is Bursting" best summarizes the message of Satanta's speech?
All of the land south of the Arkansas belongs to the Kiowas and the Comanches, and I don't want to give away any of it.
What I have to say will come from my heart, and I will speak with a straight tongue. Based on this quotation, the reader can conclude that the Nez Percé people most believe in
the importance of speaking passionately and honestly.
Explanation: the importance of being honest and speaking the truth. This value is likely based on the idea that honesty is the best policy and that speaking the truth will help maintain good relationships with others. The Nez Perce people may also believe that being honest and speaking the truth is a sign of respect.
I believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we opened our hearts more. I will tell you in my way how the Indian sees things. The white man has more words to tell you how they look to him, but it does not require many words to speak the truth. How do the underlined words impact the tone of Chief Joseph's speech?
They emphasize the fact that Chief Joseph is going to speak candidly from the heart.
Explanation: The underlined words have a very positive impact on the tone of Chief Joseph's speech. He is saying that if we would just open our hearts more, we could save a lot of trouble and bloodshed. He is also saying that the Indian way of seeing things is just as valid as the white man's way.
How would the meaning of "An Indian's View of Indian Affairs" most likely have been affected had Chief Joseph adopted a tone of resentment instead?
It would appear as an accusation rather than a plea.
Explanation: If Chief Joseph had adopted a tone of resentment, the meaning of An Indian's View of Indian Affairs" would have been affected because it would have been less conciliatory."
I love to roam over the prairies. There I feel free and happy, but when we settle down we grow pale and die. Which of Satanta's central ideas do these details most contribute to?
It is vital to the Kiowa tribe that they maintain their lifestyle.
Explanation: The central idea that these details contribute to is the idea that humans are not meant to be stationary. We are meant to move and explore, and when we do not, we wither away.
They told us to treat all men as they treated us; that we should never be the first to break a bargain; that it was a disgrace to tell a lie; that we should speak only the truth; that it was a shame for one man to take from another his wife, or [to take] his property without paying for it. What cultural view is most reflected in this quotation?
respect for all other people
Explanation: This quotation is most reflective of the cultural view that humans are innately good.
In "An Indian's View of Indian Affairs," it is asserted that conflicts could be reduced if white Americans better understood Native Americans. Which of the following would make this summary more complete?
the fact that Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé tribe made this claim
Explanation: If white Americans better understood Native American culture, history, and current issues, then conflicts could be reduced.
In "My Heart Is Bursting," which tactic does Satanta use to convey the central idea that the Kiowa people intend to remain on their own land?
Satanta directly states this idea throughout his speech.
Explanation: In My Heart Is Bursting," Satanta uses the tactic of listing the various reasons why the Kiowa people intend to remain on their own land. He lists the Kiowa's history on the land, their love for the land, and their desire to protect the land."
If I had been fighting I would have done it by day and not in the dark. The tone of this sentence can best be described as conveying
Explanation: The speaker in this sentence is conveying a sense of regret or remorse. They are saying that if they had been fighting, they would have done so during the day and not at night. This suggests that the speaker was not prepared for the fight, or that they were not expecting it to happen.
Some of you think an Indian is like a wild animal. This is a great mistake. I will tell you all about our people, and then you can judge whether an Indian is a man or not. Which central idea of the speech is most supported by this excerpt?
The Nez Percé people want the new settlers to better understand them
Explanation:The speaker in this sentence is conveying a sense of regret or remorse. They are saying that if they had been fighting, they would have done so during the day and not at night. This suggests that the speaker was not prepared for the fight, or that they were not expecting it to happen.
My friends, I have been asked to show you my heart. I am glad to have a chance to do so. I want the white people to understand my people. Based on the tone of this excerpt, the author most likely wants the audience to
listen with compassion
Explanation: The author most likely wants the audience to understand and empathize with the plight of Native Americans.
Which quote from "My Heart Is Bursting" most contributes to the assertive tone of Santana's speech?
I have heard that you intend to settle us on a reservation near the mountains. I don't want to settle.
Explanation: I'm done with being a victim. I'm done with being a doormat."Santana's speech has an assertive tone because she is done with being a victim and a doormat. She is done with being treated like she doesn't matter."
Based on Chief Joseph's message in "An Indian's View of Indian Affairs," the Nez Percé people most likely value
peace, tradition, and honesty.
Explanation: all of the following EXCEPTBased on Chief Joseph's message in An Indian's View of Indian Affairs," the Nez Perce people most likely value all of the following EXCEPT:The Nez Perce people are a peaceful tribe who have always tried to live in harmony with the settlers. They have never been a warlike people, and they have always been willing to negotiate with the US government to try to find a way to coexist peacefully. However, the US government has never been willing to listen to their requests or to treat them fairly, and as a result, the Nez Perce have been forced to go to war to protect their rights and their way of life."
You, the commissioners, have come from afar to listen to our grievances. My heart is glad and I shall hide nothing from you. I understood that you were coming down to see us. I moved away from those disposed for war, and I also came along to see you. How does Santana's humble tone affect the meaning of his speech?
It assures those who are listening that Santana is speaking with honesty and has acted in good faith.
Explanation: Santana's humble tone affects the meaning of his speech by making it clear that he is not looking to start a fight or conflict, but rather wants to peacefully resolve any grievances.
We were taught to believe that the Great Spirit sees and hears everything, and that he never forgets; that hereafter he will give every man a spirit-home according to his deserts: if he has been a good man, he will have a good home; if he has been a bad man, he will have a bad home. What central idea of the speech is illustrated by this excerpt?
The way a man chooses to live his life directly affects the quality of his life.
Explanation: The idea of the Great Spirit watching over everything and judging people according to their actions is illustrated by this excerpt.
In "My Heart Is Bursting," which quote most contributes to the central idea that the Kiowa tribe wishes to maintain their lifestyle and traditions?
I don't want any of the medicine lodges [schools and churches] within the country. I want the children raised as I was.
Explanation: The Kiowa tribe wishes to maintain their lifestyle and traditions." This is the central idea of the essay. The quote that most contributes to this central idea is "We want to keep our language and our ceremonies and our way of life." This quote expresses the Kiowa tribe's desire to maintain their traditional way of life."
How does the passionate tone adopted by Satanta within the speech "My Heart Is Bursting" most help him achieve his purpose?
It strengthens his ability to persuade through emotions.
Explanation: The passionate tone adopted by Satanta within the speech My Heart Is Bursting" most helps him achieve his purpose by making his audience feel the same emotion that he is feeling. This emotional connection allows his audience to understand and empathize with his situation, making them more likely to support his cause."
Which excerpt from "My Heart Is Bursting" most contributes to the cultural view that freedom is essential to happiness?
I love to roam over the prairies. There I feel free and happy, but when we settle down we grow pale and die.
Explanation: The excerpt that most contributes to the cultural view that freedom is essential to happiness is the one that talks about the need for independence. This is because independence is what allows us to pursue our own happiness, without having to rely on others.